Self Balancing Robot Arduino

Posting this code here that I thought I had lost but was in a comment in one of my videos fortunately. It has the creep control which I cannot find anywhere now.

#include "Wire.h"
#include "I2Cdev.h"
#include "MPU6050.h"
#include "math.h"
//#include <NewPing.h>

#define leftMotorPWMPin   6
#define leftMotorDirPin   7
#define rightMotorPWMPin  5
#define rightMotorDirPin  4

#define TRIGGER_PIN 9
#define ECHO_PIN 8
#define MAX_DISTANCE 75

//#define Kp  140  //was 170
//#define Kd  0.00 // was .02
//#define Ki  0 //

#define sampleTime  0.005
//#define targetAngle 7.5// -2.5
//#define adjustAngle 0

MPU6050 mpu;

int16_t accY, accZ, gyroX;
volatile int motorPower, gyroRate;
volatile float accAngle, gyroAngle, currentAngle, prevAngle=0, error, prevError=0, errorSum=0;
volatile byte count=0;
volatile float Kp=150,Ki=00,Kd=.01,targetAngle=6;

int distanceCm;
int wheelOffset = 1;
float adjustAngle = 0.00;
long previousMillis = 0;  
long creepMillis = 0;
long loopTimer = 4;

void setMotors(int leftMotorSpeed, int rightMotorSpeed) {
 //  Serial.print("leftMotorSpeed= ");Serial.print(leftMotorSpeed); Serial.print("rightMotorSpeed= ");Serial.println(rightMotorSpeed);
  if(leftMotorSpeed >= 0) {
    analogWrite(leftMotorPWMPin, leftMotorSpeed);
    digitalWrite(leftMotorDirPin, LOW);
  else { // if leftMotorSpeed is < 0 then set dir to reverse 
    analogWrite(leftMotorPWMPin, 255 + leftMotorSpeed);
    digitalWrite(leftMotorDirPin, HIGH);
  if(rightMotorSpeed >= 0) {
    analogWrite(rightMotorPWMPin, rightMotorSpeed);
    digitalWrite(rightMotorDirPin, LOW);
  else {
    analogWrite(rightMotorPWMPin, 255 + rightMotorSpeed);
    digitalWrite(rightMotorDirPin, HIGH);

void setup() {
  //RemoteXY_Init ();  
  // set the motor control and PWM pins to output mode
  pinMode(leftMotorPWMPin, OUTPUT);
  pinMode(leftMotorDirPin, OUTPUT);
  pinMode(rightMotorPWMPin, OUTPUT);
  pinMode(rightMotorDirPin, OUTPUT);
  // set the status LED to output mode 
  pinMode(13, OUTPUT);
//  Serial.println("got here...");
  // initialize the MPU6050 and set offset values
//  Serial.print("Initialize MPU at: ");Serial.println(millis());
  mpu.setYAccelOffset(2349); // from calibration routine
  Serial.print("End Initialize MPU at: ");Serial.println(millis());
  // initialize PID sampling loop
 // delay(1000);
 // init_PID();
  // Initialize phone values
 //   RemoteXY.edit_CG= targetAngle;
 //RemoteXY.edit_CG  = targetAngle;
 //RemoteXY.edit_P   = Kp;
 //RemoteXY.edit_I   = Ki;
// RemoteXY.text_M   = Kd;


void loop() {
   //RemoteXY_Handler ();
   unsigned long currentMillis = millis();
     // update variables from and to phone
   //targetAngle = RemoteXY.edit_CG ; // set value to what you want
//   dtostrf(targetAngle     , 0, 2, RemoteXY.text_CG);
   //Kp          = RemoteXY.edit_P;
   //Ki          = RemoteXY.edit_I ;
  // Kd          = RemoteXY.edit_D;
   //targetAngle = targetAngle + (RemoteXY.joystick_1_y/25); // set forward and backward targetAngle
//   Kd          = RemoteXY.edit_D;
   if(currentMillis - previousMillis > loopTimer) {
 //    Serial.println(currentMillis);
     // read acceleration and gyroscope values
     accY = mpu.getAccelerationY();
     accZ = mpu.getAccelerationZ();  
     gyroX = mpu.getRotationX();

     previousMillis = currentMillis;   
    //dtostrf(error     , 0, 2, RemoteXY.text_A);    // the error is increasing and it so wheels go faster
     Serial.print("Kp= ");Serial.println(Kp);

    if (error > .5) adjustAngle = adjustAngle - .02; // add or subtract from targetAngle to keep from drifting
    if (error < -.5) adjustAngle = adjustAngle + .02;
    adjustAngle = 0;
     //dtostrf(adjustAngle     , 0, 2, RemoteXY.text_M);
  // set motor power after constraining it

   motorPower = constrain(motorPower, -255, 255);
 //  Serial.print(" ");Serial.print(targetAngle);Serial.print(" ");Serial.println(motorPower);
//  Serial.print("currentAngle= ");Serial.println(currentAngle);
 // if (error < .5 && error > -.5) motorPower = 0; // create a deadband to stop robot from walking - doesnt seem to help - still drifts.

   if (abs(error) > 20) motorPower = 0; // if fall over then shut off motors
   //setMotors(motorPower + (RemoteXY.joystick_1_x/20 ), motorPower - (RemoteXY.joystick_1_x/20 ) );
setMotors(motorPower, motorPower  );
// The PID() will be called every 5 milliseconds
void doPID()
  // calculate the angle of inclination
  accAngle = atan2(accY, accZ)*RAD_TO_DEG;
  gyroRate = map(gyroX, -32768, 32767, -250, 250);
  gyroAngle = (float)gyroRate*sampleTime;  
  // complementary filter ///////////////////////////////////////////
  currentAngle = 0.9934*(prevAngle + gyroAngle) + 0.0066*(accAngle);
  error = currentAngle - targetAngle + adjustAngle;
  errorSum = errorSum + error;  
  errorSum = constrain(errorSum, -300, 300);

  //calculate output from P, I and D values ///////////////////////////////////////////////////
  motorPower = Kp*(error) + Ki*(errorSum)*sampleTime - Kd*(currentAngle-prevAngle)/sampleTime;
  motorPower = constrain(motorPower, -255, 255);
  prevAngle = currentAngle;
  // toggle the led on pin13 every second
  if(count == 200)  {
    count = 0;
    digitalWrite(13, !digitalRead(13));


About Jim Demello

Christian, ESL teacher, retired computer programmer, former US Army soldier, former Peace Corps Volunteer. Like to paint acrylic portraits, build and fly rc airplanes, play guitar and ukulele, juggle, and hang out with my Chinese wife. Am currently residing in a foreign country but I do love America.
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